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Join Principal® Dental Access Plan
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We are diligently working on expanding Principal® Dental Access Plan nationwide. We are currently availabe in all states except Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia. For these listed states, please visit newdentalchoice.com for your discount dental plan needs. Neither plan is available in Montana. 

Are you currently a member? If you wish to update your Principal® Dental Access Plan account information, login to your account here.


Individual Plan Family Plan
How would you like to pay for this membership?

Line item Price
Principal® Dental Access Plan - individual plan (yearly) $96
One time activation fee** $10
Total: $106
** A one time, non-refundable activation fee ($10 for yearly payment/$25 for monthly payments) will be applied. Refunds vary by state.

Line item Price
Principal® Dental Access Plan - individual plan (monthly) $8
One time activation fee** $25
Total: $33
** A one time, non-refundable activation fee ($10 for yearly payment/$25 for monthly payments) will be applied. Refunds vary by state.

Line item Price
Principal® Dental Access Plan - family plan (yearly) $120
One time activation fee** $10
Total: $130
** A one time, non-refundable activation fee ($10 for yearly payment/$25 for monthly payments) will be applied. Refunds vary by state.

Line item Price
Principal® Dental Access Plan - family plan (monthly) $10
One time activation fee** $25
Total: $35
** A one time, non-refundable activation fee ($10 for yearly payment/$25 for monthly payments) will be applied. Refunds vary by state.


Select Continue. On the next page, you'll be asked to provide individual and family details.

Please read the following information. You are not required to conduct business electronically or to receive or sign documents electronically.

By consenting to do business electronically with Principal® Dental Access Plan you agree that:

  • You have read and agree to our disclosures, terms of use, and privacy policies.
  • You are who you say you are when logging in and transacting business through our website.
  • This Consent applies to any transactions conducted through our website with respect to your discount dental plan, such as enrolling, managing participants, managing payment information, etc.
  • You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time by calling 833-201-0142. Once we have received notice that you have withdrawn your consent, your request will be effective as soon as reasonably possible.
  • You will need access to a computer with a current internet browser and an operating system that allows you to save files or print web pages and documents. See terms of use for more information.
  • You may print this Consent and any electronic record or you can contact us to request a paper copy from us for free.
  • You will notify us of changes to your email, phone number, or mailing address by logging in to the My Account section or calling 833-201-0142.
  • United States laws govern our sites and your use of them.
  • Your online activity may be viewed, monitored and recorded to help prevent and detect fraud.
  • We may contact you by email, telephone, or text message as indicated in the My Account section.

If you do not consent, you will not be able to access account information or conduct transactions online.


I agree to do business electronically and to the use of electronic records in connection with Principal® Dental Access Plan. I have been able to read this notice using my computer and software. I have access to an account with an internet service provider and I am able to send and receive email.

Are you currently a member?

If you wish to update your Principal® Dental Access Plan account information.